Same Day Solar Hot Water
Repairs and Replacements

Solar Hot Water Systems

This type of hot water system consists of a water tank and solar collectors and either a gas or electric hot water booster. Depending on the manufacturer, the tank and panels can either both be roof-mounted (close-coupled system) or independently situated (split system). The system provides about 80% of the households hot water needs from the suns rays and will automatically gas or electrically boost the water on overcast days when no solar gain is available.

Solar hot water systems can achieve up to $1470 in STC rebates

Solar hot water systems are generally cheap to run , so you will save on your energy bills, but this could be offset by a high installation cost , so it may take some time to recoup your investment. As an alternative, check out our Heat Pump Hot Water Systems Solar Hot Water

Compare running costs of different types of hot water systems

Rheem Solar Hot Water Systems

SA Hot Water supply all Rheem solar hot water. Types include both roof mounted and ground situated tanks and frost-protected and non-frost protected models.

Apricus Solar Hot Water

SA Hot Water supplies Apricus solar hot water systems with ground mounted tanks and either gas or electric booster options. They are available in 250l, 315l and 400 litre sizes so there is a suitable system size for all households

Apricus Solar

Apricus Solar Hot Water

  • 1-2 Bedrooms: 22 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 250L tank
  • 3-4 Bedrooms: 30 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 315L tank
  • 4+ Bedrooms: 44 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 400L tank


Apricus solar hot water systems are designed with evacuated tube collectors that passively track the sun for more hours of the day to provide greater solar collection. They are available in 250l, 315l and 400 litre sizes so there is a suitable system size for all households and number of occupants. Apricus solar hot water systems are either gas or electric boosted to provide hot water even when the sun does not shine.

As a guide only, until you speak with SA Hot Water, for an Apricus solar hot water system a broad indication of system sizes are:

  • 1-2 Bedrooms: 22 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 250L tank
  • 3-4 Bedrooms: 30 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 315L tank
  • 4+ Bedrooms: 44 evacuated tube solar collectors with a 400L tank

There are various system options available, with a choice of:

  • boosting options
  • gas (natural or LPG)
  • electric
  • system configurations (thermosiphon or split systems)

A complete solar hot water system usually includes:

  • Solar Collector
  • Hot Water Storage Heater
  • Pump Station
  • Controller
  • Booster (Backup Energy Source)

Product Specifications

  • Passive Sun Tracking
    The round tube design of the Apricus collectors passively tracks the sun to provide more solar collection for more hours of the day.
  • Cyclone Rated
    Our mounting frames are designed in Australia and are rated to withstand cyclonic winds.
  • Cold Weather High Performance
    Apricus evacuated tubes have a vacuum between two glass layers working like a thermos flask allowing up to 95% of the solar energy to be retained leading to higher performances in colder climates.
  • Built-in Frost Protection
    All Apricus solar hot water systems have built-in frost profection (-15 0 C) without glycol so there is less maintenance.
  • Superior Hail Resistance
    Our tubes have been independently tested and shown to withstand impact from a 25mm ice ball at 90km/hr.
  • Light-Weight, Durable Design
    A 30 tube collector weighs approximately 110kg spread over a 2.2m x 2.0m roof space so there is no inconvenience using cranes to install. Reinforcing the roof structure is not necessary compared to other solar hot water systems than can weight up to 500kg on a roof.
  • Designed in Australia to meet Australian conditions
    Apricus is an Australian owned and operated company. All systems are designed to meet even the toughest Australian conditions and built to last.
  • Up to 15 Year Warranty*We provide a 15 year collector warranty and 10 year warranty on solar hot water tanks. *See Warranty for details.

Ground Situated Tank

Red Circle Solar Ground Storage Tank

This system comprises an evacuated tube solar array coupled with ground mounted tanks in 200 litre, 300 and 400 litre sizes.



This system comprises an evacuated tube solar array coupled with ground mounted tanks in 200 litre, 300 and 400 litre sizes.


Available in 10 tube, 20 tube, 24 tube, and 30 tube manifold options.

Heat pipe manifolds are used to absorb and then transfer heat from the sun into a pressurised storage tank.


Tanks are available in no coil, single coil or double coil configuration.

Tank sizes available in 200ltr, 300ltr, 400ltr and 500ltr.

Key benefits to the Red Circle Solar stainless steel storage tanks are:

  • Sacrificial anodes come standard.
  • rubber feet to keep tank of the ground to eliminate the bottom of the tank from rusting.
  • 25mm ports to increase application options.
  • 3 x sensor ports.
  • 2.4KW-4.8KW electric element boosting options.
  • 25mm Stainless steel heat exchange coil options.
  • Drain port.
  • Ring main return port.

Red Circle Split System Brochure

  • The manifold features ‘dry tubes’ with heat pipes. These heat pipes are copper rods which collect energy from the sunlight and transfer the heat to heat exchange bulbs located in the manifold.
  • The controller for the system turns on a pump which circulates water from the storage tank through the manifold, this water is heated as it passes through the manifold and the heated water returns back to the storage tank.
  • Option of either a 240 volt or 12 volt solar powered pump and controller.
  • Red Circle Solar manifolds include a powder-coated stainless steel frame that can be mounted at a 0-degree or 40 degree pitch to allow systems to be set up for maximum efficiency.
  • 10 year manufacturer’s warranty on tubes, frame and manifold.
  • Red Circle Solar manifolds are available in 10, 20, 24, 30, and 60 tube arrays.

Stainless steel mains pressure tank features
• 200L (no coil) 300L (no coil) 400L (1 coil) 500L (1 coil)
• Twin coil tanks available on request (special orders)
• 304 stainless steel inner tank, painted steel outer tank
• 50mm polyurethane foam insulation
• All tanks come with multiple ports for a variety of applications
• 25mm sacrificial magnesium anode is included in all tanks
• Coil tanks contain 304 stainless steel coils, the length of the coil varies
to suit the capacity of the tank and position of the coil
• Curved inlet and outlet pipes ensure hot water is taken from the very
top of the tank and cold water is injected at the very bottom. This
maximises the tanks performance
• Optional electrical element (2.4kW or 3.6kW)
• Australian Watermark and Australian Standards approved

Rinnai Solar Hot Water

SA Hot Water are suppliers of the Rinnai Prestige range of Solar hot water systems.These are ground mounted tanks with either evacuated tube or flat plate solar arrays or roof mounted flat panel systems. Gas and electric boosted options available.

Rinnai Prestige, Roof mounted tank

Rinnai Prestige, Close Coupled

Rinnai Prestige Close Coupled Solar Hot Water System. 10 year tank warranty!

Rinnai Product Brochure

Rinnai Product Warranty



A solar close coupled system is where the storage tank and the solar collectors are coupled together and installed on the roof.

Solar Collectors mounted on the roof absorb the energy from the sun and heat cooler water that flows through pipes just beneath the surface.

This allows us to give Adelaide a refined range of the most highly efficient quality choices available, with our Rinnai Solar Gas Boosters and Rinnai Sunmaster (Electric Boosters)


Storage capacity Booster No Of   Excelsior Collectors Frost protection kit available No of Bedrooms
System I 180L 2.4 kW 1 1 to 3
System J 330L 2.4 kW 2 1 to 3
System K 330L 3.6 kW 2 3 or more
System L 180L S20 1 1 to 3
System M 330L S26 2 3 or more

Enduro collectors MUST be used in cyclone regions (wind region C according to AS/NZS1170.2:2011) in conjunction with our cyclone frame.

Contact  SA Hot Water™ for more information.


  • 180 or 330 litre capacity storage
  • Wide range of Colorbond® colours available
  • Electric boost or dedicated continuous flow gas boost configurations
  • Using thermo-syphoning means there are no moving parts
  • Excelsior collectors offering TiNOX technology absorb the maximum available solar energy
  • Available with a frost protection kit for temperatures down to -6°C
  • Collectors and tanks manufactured in Australia
  • No sacrificial anode is required which saves on maintenance costs
  • Warranty is 10 years on the tanks and 7 years on the collectors

Rinnai Prestige, ground tank flat panel system

Rinnai Prestige, Flat Plate Systems

Rinnai Prestige Flat Plate Solar Hot Water Systems. 10 year tank warranty!

Rinnai Product Brochure

Rinnai Product Warranty



Flat Plate Solar Systems consist of a ground mounted storage tank that is installed separately to the collectors mounted on the roof. A small pump circulates the water from the cylinder through to the collectors to absorb the maximum available solar energy.

Solar Collectors mounted on the roof absorb the energy from the sun and heat cooler water that flows through pipes just beneath the surface.



Storage capacity Booster No Of Excelsior Collectors Frost protection kit available No of Bedrooms
System B 250L S20 2 1 to 3
System C 250L S26 2 3 to 4
System D 315L S26 2 3 or more
System E 315L S26 3 3 or more
System FM 250L 3.6 kW 2 1 to 3
System GM 315L 3.6 kW 2 3 or more
System HM 315L 3.6 kW 3 3 or more

 Enduro collectors MUST be used in cyclone regions (wind region C according to AS/NZS1170.2:2011) in conjunction with our cyclone frame.

Contact  SA Hot Water™ for more information.


  • 250 or 315 litre capacity storage
  • Electric boost or continuous flow gas boost configurations
  • Minimal impact on the aesthetics of your roofline
  • No need to reinforce the roof structure
  • Excelsior collectors offering TiNOX technology absorb the maximum available solar energy
  • Available with a frost protection kit for temperatures down to -6°C
  • Collectors and tanks manufactured in Australia
  • No sacrificial anode is required which saves on maintenance costs
  • Warranty is 10 years on the tanks and 7 years on the collectors

Rinnai Prestige, ground tank evacuated tube systems

Rinnai Prestige, Evacuated Tube Systems

Rinnai Prestige Evacuated Tube Solar Hot Water System. 10 year tank warranty!

Rinnai Product Brochure

Rinnai Product Warranty



Evacuated Tube Solar Systems consist of a ground mounted storage tank that is installed separately to the tubes mounted on the roof. A small pump circulates the water from the cylinder through the header across the top of the tubes to absorb the maximum available solar energy.


Storage capacity Booster No Of Evacuted tubes Frost protection to -12 deg C No of Bedrooms
System N 250 S20 25 1 to 3
System P 250 S26 25 3 to 4
System R 315 S26 25 3 or more
System S 315 S26 30 3 or more
System TM 250 3.6 kW 25 1 to 3
System VM 315 3.6 kW 25 3 to 4
System WM 315 3.6 kW 30 3 or more

Contact  SA Hot Water™ for more information.


  • 250 or 315 litre capacity storage
  • Electric boost or continuous flow gas boost configurations
  • Minimal impact on the aesthetics of your roofline
  • No need to reinforce the roof structure
  • High efficiency evacuated tubes to absorb the maximum available solar energy
  • Frost tolerant for temperatures down to -12°C
  • Solar collectors available in 20, 25 or 30 tube configurations
  • Tanks manufactured in Australia
  • 10 years warranty on the tanks
  • 15 years warranty on the evacuated tube collector

Solar hot water systems can achieve up to $1470 in STC rebates

(example : When STC  are trading @ $35 x Energy efficiency of the appliance is 42, $35 x 42 = $1470 )

STC rebates are Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) , more commonly now referred to as an STC, system is the basis of the solar credits program.

A single REC/STC is equivalent to one megawatt hour of electricity generation produced until 2030 (the “deeming period”).

The Renewable Energy Target is supported by an online registry system, called the REC Registry, which facilitates the creation, validation, auditing and transfer of small-scale technology certificates

Once created and validated, these certificates act as a form of currency and can be sold to recoup a portion of the cost of purchasing and installing a hot water heater, or transferred to other individuals and businesses at a negotiated price.

STC s are subject to rise and fall dependant on the market requirements

Learn more about buying and selling small-scale technology certificates.